Choosing the right asphalt mix for the job
The type of asphalt mix that your contractor puts down is just as important as choosing the right contractor in the first place. There are several asphalt plants in the Halifax area and each produces its own unique asphalt mix. Sand Seal Paving uses different grades of asphalt for different situations and in this article we are going to discuss the different mixes and their benefits.
Types of Asphalt
Half inch driveway mix – The half inch driveway mix is one of the most common asphalt mixes used for paving residential driveways. It is a mixture of rock and asphalt binder with no rocks larger than 1/2 of an inch in diameter. This mix contains a large proportion of smaller rock and sand and leaves a smooth look to your driveway.
Pros – Durable and attractive for a residential driveway – smooth appearance – good resistance to high weight vehicles
Cons – Sand can be scraped from the surface during initial cure time – not suitable for high weight and heavy traffic
Three eight driveway mix – The 3/8th driveway mix is very similar to the half inch mix in design, but containing no rock larger than three eights of an inch. It is a very tight mix and one of the most attractive looking when installed properly.
Pros – No rocky look – great for asphalt patching – smooth – easy to work with when installing in tight areas by hand.
Cons – Less durable than 1/2 mix, not suitable for high weight/heavy traffic
Half Inch Highway Mix – This asphalt mix is vary hardly ever used on a residential driveway. It contains a very large percentage of 1/2 stones and little sand. The mix is designed to be installed by paver machine and with large compaction equipment. This mix is best used on parking lots expecting heavy vehicles and high traffic. Note: we have the equipment to install this mix properly on parking lots and roadways.
Pros – High durability, low risk of power steering marks, reduced rutting, meets highway specifications
Cons – Difficult to work with by hand – Cannot be raked out into tight areas easily – Final finish is often not quite as smooth looking as some of the other mixes.
Request A Free Asphalt Paving Quote
The team at Sand Seal Paving has extensive experience using the variety of mixes of asphalt available and we will always use the mix that is best suited for your individual properties needs.