Halifax Snow Removal and Snow Plowing Services
Snow Plowing
Sand Seal provides snow plowing and removal services for commercial clients. We service a small number of clients that are looking for quality work and don’t mind paying a little bit more for it. By charging slightly more for our services we can take on less clients and ensure a high standard of quality. If you require timely, professional and regular service contact us. We have limited availability.
Halifax Snow Removal
We provide snow removal for our clients as well as on a sub contract basis. We work for local landscaping companies, snow removal companies and other contractors to meet their clients snow removal needs. We have a tandem and s650 bobcat available 24 hours a day 7 days a week for snow removal purposes. Rates are 70/hr for the tandem, and 70/hr for the bobcat (three hour minimum) Tandem holds 15 tons. Our drivers/operators are professional, experienced, insured and covered by workers compensation.
Contact us for all your Halifax snow removal and trucking needs.