You may think that paving a driveway is as simple as putting down some gravel and then placing the asphalt on top. However, there are many factors that an experienced paving contractor considers when providing a quote. We are going to discuss what its like paving in different areas of Halifax. Paving a Driveway In […]
Tag Archives: paving
The single most important factor that affects the long-term durability of a hot-mix asphalt (HMA) pavement is the density of the mix that is achieved by the contractor at the time of construction. Air Void Content Compaction of your new asphalt driveway is completed through use of rollers, plate tampers and the paver machine itself. […]
Potholes are everywhere in Halifax, and appear almost out of nowhere during the winter and spring months. This is due primarily because of rapid and successive freeze thaw cycles. The initial construction of the pavement is crucial for long term freeze thaw resistance. During construction the use of proper base materials, thickness of base, and […]
Choosing the right paving contractor is the most important factor in the quality of your final paving job. These are the top 5 things to consider when choosing a paving contractor: Reputation/References – It may be difficult to determine a paving contractors reputation. A good contractor will have positive reviews, many job photos and an […]